Sunday, June 14, 2009

Business Exercise at sims

Business Exercise

The day today has been quite a memorable and a learning one. We did today what’s called at SIMS a business exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to teach us to us to face the challenges head on and not get bogged down by them, a trait a modern manager must have.

We were divided in batches of two and were to reach a pre- assigned location, in our case it was Koregaon Park, work there for the day and earn a minimum amount of Rs 150 per head. All this was to be done without spending a single rupee from our pocket. Believe me it was quite a task!

So, there we were me and my team mate Priyanka, outside the college about to begin a very different day. Our only means of transport was to hitch-hike as we couldn’t spend on a rickshaw or bus. We were fortunate enough to get our first ride in the first 10 minutes, though a small one, but it seemed like a great start. I could see 30 teams right outside the college looking for some or other means of transport. We felt lucky to have gotten a head start.

But this wasn’t a long ride. We thanked our first saviour and walked ahead. We had to walk about 2 kms this time to the Mumbai-Pune old highway. I felt that was our fast way out to reach kp. And it did. In less than 5 mins, a gentleman in an innova stopped to give us a ride. He was on his way to drop his cousin to the airport. Eureka! Just the route we had to take. We introduced ourselves and thanked the guy for the helpful gesture. We told him about the business and exercise and the concept excited him a lot, it reminded him of his college days! We saw a lot of other teams on the way also hitch hiking. Some in tempos, others in hitch hiked rides like us.It all seemed like a great race. Before we knew, we were in Bund Garden, at a spot just about 500 mts from KP. We got off the car and thanked our new friend. I even exchanged numbers with him, maybe i could be of help to him someday.

So, there we were just a stone’s throw from our destination, time for one last ride to a restaurant i had in mind we could do our exercise at, Prems. So we hitch hiked one last time, this time an old gentleman with his son. They were headed to the osho commune. They were kind enough to drop us to prems, after they heard of our exercise.

We rushed straight into prems, and caught hold of the first person we saw, a senior waiter. We asked him to let us work for the day at the restaurant and help aroud with managing the customers for the day. Since the owner of the restaurant wasn’t present there, the waiter was hesitant to take the decision. He seemed pretty positive that we’d get the job though and asked us to wait for the owner to arrive. This was risky and we wanted to get started with something as soon as possible. So we thought of looking around for some other opportunities and return in half an hour. So i asked priyanka to check at Sweet Chariot, another restaurant right around the corner, while i waited at prems for the owner to arrive.

Priyanka did a great job and managed to get us the day job at Sweet Chariot for Rs 200 each with lunch. That was it. Our primary goals were secured! Though the idea of doing this exercise at Prems appealed to me more. Prems was bigger and it was going to be a challenge managing that place. Sweet Chariot on the other hand was a smaller cafe. But the amount of people to turn up at this place could be amazing at times!

So we decided to take up the job at Sweet Chariot. The deal was till 2 pm. As the owner was not willing to pay us more than Rs 250 even if we worked beyond 2pm. We decided to look for something else after 2 as it didn’t make business sense to us.. So, we began, introducing ourselves to the staff first and understanding the setup of the cafe. 16 4 seater tables, 4 waiters, 2 chefs a cashier and the two of us. We had to take orders, serve the customers, get the bills and clear the tables. Sounded pretty exciting! The working concept of a restaurant has always exicted me. I feel serice today is the most important thing. I belive if a person gets good service, he ll definitely come back to you again for another round of it.

Dressed in our formal attire, we surprised quite a few customers. They were amazed at looking us take their orders and serve them. A few of them even thought, we owned the place and were helping around! We tried to be as warm as possible to the customers, greeting them and making sure their orders were taken in time. One of them was so impressed with us, that he even gave us his business card and said he’d like to hire us. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and accepted his card, promising him that i’d get back to him soon. I must say that the staff was very helpful and co-operative at the cafe.

Time was flying and before we knew it was 1pm. The staff served us lunch with cold coffee! The meal felt like the best i had had in ages. Like they say, nothing tastes better than a hard earned meal!! By 2 pm we wrapped up, “got paid”, thanked the staff once again, took pictures with them and got on our way to find another challenge for the remaining time. Our first job earned us Rs 400 as salary and Rs 130 as tip! I felt it was quite an achievement and we patted each other’s back as we couldn’t have done it without each other’s support and help.

We went another restaurant and asked for a job till 4pm, but they refused, saying they cant offer anything for such a short time frame. We then decided to go to ‘The Great Punjab’, a pretty famous restaurant in Kp, and for that matter the entire of Pune. But they had a policy not to hire anyone besides their staff to work at the restaurant. It was 3 by the time we got out of there and there wasn’t much time left now. I felt we had achieved our target with the morning job at Sweet Chariot, but also felt a little disappointed since we could not do any value addition to these last 2 hrs.

At around quarter to four, i called our team coordinator and came to know of the rendezvous point, Post 91. We reached Post 91 in about 15 mins. Members of the student council with Mr. Manohar Kamath, the brain behind this brilliant exercise, were there to receive us for tea. Around 10 teams were already there. We shared our experiences with each other. Mr. Kamath also interacted with us on an open forum and expressed his thoughts about our experiences.

In about 45 mins, we were asked to head back to the institute, once again without spending a rupee. This time we hitch hiked with two bikers till Shoppers Stop- Shivaji Nagar and then till Khadki in a car. We walked back till the institute discussing the day, how we enjoyed the exercise and learnt to face our challenges head on and not give up, no matter what.

The world is a tough place and we need to face our challenges and be strong headed and confident of our goals. I believe the exercise was a great experience and would definitely help me overcome my challenges up ahead.

Business Exercise at sims

Business Exercise

The day today has been quite a memorable and a learning one. We did today what’s called at SIMS a business exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to teach us to us to face the challenges head on and not get bogged down by them, a trait a modern manager must have.

We were divided in batches of two and were to reach a pre- assigned location, in our case it was Koregaon Park, work there for the day and earn a minimum amount of Rs 150 per head. All this was to be done without spending a single rupee from our pocket. Believe me it was quite a task!

So, there we were me and my team mate Priyanka, outside the college about to begin a very different day. Our only means of transport was to hitch-hike as we couldn’t spend on a rickshaw or bus. We were fortunate enough to get our first ride in the first 10 minutes, though a small one, but it seemed like a great start. I could see 30 teams right outside the college looking for some or other means of transport. We felt lucky to have gotten a head start.

But this wasn’t a long ride. We thanked our first saviour and walked ahead. We had to walk about 2 kms this time to the Mumbai-Pune old highway. I felt that was our fast way out to reach kp. And it did. In less than 5 mins, a gentleman in an innova stopped to give us a ride. He was on his way to drop his cousin to the airport. Eureka! Just the route we had to take. We introduced ourselves and thanked the guy for the helpful gesture. We told him about the business and exercise and the concept excited him a lot, it reminded him of his college days! We saw a lot of other teams on the way also hitch hiking. Some in tempos, others in hitch hiked rides like us.It all seemed like a great race. Before we knew, we were in Bund Garden, at a spot just about 500 mts from KP. We got off the car and thanked our new friend. I even exchanged numbers with him, maybe i could be of help to him someday.

So, there we were just a stone’s throw from our destination, time for one last ride to a restaurant i had in mind we could do our exercise at, Prems. So we hitch hiked one last time, this time an old gentleman with his son. They were headed to the osho commune. They were kind enough to drop us to prems, after they heard of our exercise.

We rushed straight into prems, and caught hold of the first person we saw, a senior waiter. We asked him to let us work for the day at the restaurant and help aroud with managing the customers for the day. Since the owner of the restaurant wasn’t present there, the waiter was hesitant to take the decision. He seemed pretty positive that we’d get the job though and asked us to wait for the owner to arrive. This was risky and we wanted to get started with something as soon as possible. So we thought of looking around for some other opportunities and return in half an hour. So i asked priyanka to check at Sweet Chariot, another restaurant right around the corner, while i waited at prems for the owner to arrive.

Priyanka did a great job and managed to get us the day job at Sweet Chariot for Rs 200 each with lunch. That was it. Our primary goals were secured! Though the idea of doing this exercise at Prems appealed to me more. Prems was bigger and it was going to be a challenge managing that place. Sweet Chariot on the other hand was a smaller cafe. But the amount of people to turn up at this place could be amazing at times!

So we decided to take up the job at Sweet Chariot. The deal was till 2 pm. As the owner was not willing to pay us more than Rs 250 even if we worked beyond 2pm. We decided to look for something else after 2 as it didn’t make business sense to us.. So, we began, introducing ourselves to the staff first and understanding the setup of the cafe. 16 4 seater tables, 4 waiters, 2 chefs a cashier and the two of us. We had to take orders, serve the customers, get the bills and clear the tables. Sounded pretty exciting! The working concept of a restaurant has always exicted me. I feel serice today is the most important thing. I belive if a person gets good service, he ll definitely come back to you again for another round of it.

Dressed in our formal attire, we surprised quite a few customers. They were amazed at looking us take their orders and serve them. A few of them even thought, we owned the place and were helping around! We tried to be as warm as possible to the customers, greeting them and making sure their orders were taken in time. One of them was so impressed with us, that he even gave us his business card and said he’d like to hire us. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and accepted his card, promising him that i’d get back to him soon. I must say that the staff was very helpful and co-operative at the cafe.

Time was flying and before we knew it was 1pm. The staff served us lunch with cold coffee! The meal felt like the best i had had in ages. Like they say, nothing tastes better than a hard earned meal!! By 2 pm we wrapped up, “got paid”, thanked the staff once again, took pictures with them and got on our way to find another challenge for the remaining time. Our first job earned us Rs 400 as salary and Rs 130 as tip! I felt it was quite an achievement and we patted each other’s back as we couldn’t have done it without each other’s support and help.

We went another restaurant and asked for a job till 4pm, but they refused, saying they cant offer anything for such a short time frame. We then decided to go to ‘The Great Punjab’, a pretty famous restaurant in Kp, and for that matter the entire of Pune. But they had a policy not to hire anyone besides their staff to work at the restaurant. It was 3 by the time we got out of there and there wasn’t much time left now. I felt we had achieved our target with the morning job at Sweet Chariot, but also felt a little disappointed since we could not do any value addition to these last 2 hrs.

At around quarter to four, i called our team coordinator and came to know of the rendezvous point, Post 91. We reached Post 91 in about 15 mins. Members of the student council with Mr. Manohar Kamath, the brain behind this brilliant exercise, were there to receive us for tea. Around 10 teams were already there. We shared our experiences with each other. Mr. Kamath also interacted with us on an open forum and expressed his thoughts about our experiences.

In about 45 mins, we were asked to head back to the institute, once again without spending a rupee. This time we hitch hiked with two bikers till Shoppers Stop- Shivaji Nagar and then till Khadki in a car. We walked back till the institute discussing the day, how we enjoyed the exercise and learnt to face our challenges head on and not give up, no matter what.

The world is a tough place and we need to face our challenges and be strong headed and confident of our goals. I believe the exercise was a great experience and would definitely help me overcome my challenges up ahead.

Business Exercise at sims

Business Exercise

The day today has been quite a memorable and a learning one. We did today what’s called at SIMS a business exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to teach us to us to face the challenges head on and not get bogged down by them, a trait a modern manager must have.

We were divided in batches of two and were to reach a pre- assigned location, in our case it was Koregaon Park, work there for the day and earn a minimum amount of Rs 150 per head. All this was to be done without spending a single rupee from our pocket. Believe me it was quite a task!

So, there we were me and my team mate Priyanka, outside the college about to begin a very different day. Our only means of transport was to hitch-hike as we couldn’t spend on a rickshaw or bus. We were fortunate enough to get our first ride in the first 10 minutes, though a small one, but it seemed like a great start. I could see 30 teams right outside the college looking for some or other means of transport. We felt lucky to have gotten a head start.

But this wasn’t a long ride. We thanked our first saviour and walked ahead. We had to walk about 2 kms this time to the Mumbai-Pune old highway. I felt that was our fast way out to reach kp. And it did. In less than 5 mins, a gentleman in an innova stopped to give us a ride. He was on his way to drop his cousin to the airport. Eureka! Just the route we had to take. We introduced ourselves and thanked the guy for the helpful gesture. We told him about the business and exercise and the concept excited him a lot, it reminded him of his college days! We saw a lot of other teams on the way also hitch hiking. Some in tempos, others in hitch hiked rides like us.It all seemed like a great race. Before we knew, we were in Bund Garden, at a spot just about 500 mts from KP. We got off the car and thanked our new friend. I even exchanged numbers with him, maybe i could be of help to him someday.

So, there we were just a stone’s throw from our destination, time for one last ride to a restaurant i had in mind we could do our exercise at, Prems. So we hitch hiked one last time, this time an old gentleman with his son. They were headed to the osho commune. They were kind enough to drop us to prems, after they heard of our exercise.

We rushed straight into prems, and caught hold of the first person we saw, a senior waiter. We asked him to let us work for the day at the restaurant and help aroud with managing the customers for the day. Since the owner of the restaurant wasn’t present there, the waiter was hesitant to take the decision. He seemed pretty positive that we’d get the job though and asked us to wait for the owner to arrive. This was risky and we wanted to get started with something as soon as possible. So we thought of looking around for some other opportunities and return in half an hour. So i asked priyanka to check at Sweet Chariot, another restaurant right around the corner, while i waited at prems for the owner to arrive.

Priyanka did a great job and managed to get us the day job at Sweet Chariot for Rs 200 each with lunch. That was it. Our primary goals were secured! Though the idea of doing this exercise at Prems appealed to me more. Prems was bigger and it was going to be a challenge managing that place. Sweet Chariot on the other hand was a smaller cafe. But the amount of people to turn up at this place could be amazing at times!

So we decided to take up the job at Sweet Chariot. The deal was till 2 pm. As the owner was not willing to pay us more than Rs 250 even if we worked beyond 2pm. We decided to look for something else after 2 as it didn’t make business sense to us.. So, we began, introducing ourselves to the staff first and understanding the setup of the cafe. 16 4 seater tables, 4 waiters, 2 chefs a cashier and the two of us. We had to take orders, serve the customers, get the bills and clear the tables. Sounded pretty exciting! The working concept of a restaurant has always exicted me. I feel serice today is the most important thing. I belive if a person gets good service, he ll definitely come back to you again for another round of it.

Dressed in our formal attire, we surprised quite a few customers. They were amazed at looking us take their orders and serve them. A few of them even thought, we owned the place and were helping around! We tried to be as warm as possible to the customers, greeting them and making sure their orders were taken in time. One of them was so impressed with us, that he even gave us his business card and said he’d like to hire us. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and accepted his card, promising him that i’d get back to him soon. I must say that the staff was very helpful and co-operative at the cafe.

Time was flying and before we knew it was 1pm. The staff served us lunch with cold coffee! The meal felt like the best i had had in ages. Like they say, nothing tastes better than a hard earned meal!! By 2 pm we wrapped up, “got paid”, thanked the staff once again, took pictures with them and got on our way to find another challenge for the remaining time. Our first job earned us Rs 400 as salary and Rs 130 as tip! I felt it was quite an achievement and we patted each other’s back as we couldn’t have done it without each other’s support and help.

We went another restaurant and asked for a job till 4pm, but they refused, saying they cant offer anything for such a short time frame. We then decided to go to ‘The Great Punjab’, a pretty famous restaurant in Kp, and for that matter the entire of Pune. But they had a policy not to hire anyone besides their staff to work at the restaurant. It was 3 by the time we got out of there and there wasn’t much time left now. I felt we had achieved our target with the morning job at Sweet Chariot, but also felt a little disappointed since we could not do any value addition to these last 2 hrs.

At around quarter to four, i called our team coordinator and came to know of the rendezvous point, Post 91. We reached Post 91 in about 15 mins. Members of the student council with Mr. Manohar Kamath, the brain behind this brilliant exercise, were there to receive us for tea. Around 10 teams were already there. We shared our experiences with each other. Mr. Kamath also interacted with us on an open forum and expressed his thoughts about our experiences.

In about 45 mins, we were asked to head back to the institute, once again without spending a rupee. This time we hitch hiked with two bikers till Shoppers Stop- Shivaji Nagar and then till Khadki in a car. We walked back till the institute discussing the day, how we enjoyed the exercise and learnt to face our challenges head on and not give up, no matter what.

The world is a tough place and we need to face our challenges and be strong headed and confident of our goals. I believe the exercise was a great experience and would definitely help me overcome my challenges up ahead.

Business Exercise at sims

Business Exercise

The day today has been quite a memorable and a learning one. We did today what’s called at SIMS a business exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to teach us to us to face the challenges head on and not get bogged down by them, a trait a modern manager must have.

We were divided in batches of two and were to reach a pre- assigned location, in our case it was Koregaon Park, work there for the day and earn a minimum amount of Rs 150 per head. All this was to be done without spending a single rupee from our pocket. Believe me it was quite a task!

So, there we were me and my team mate Priyanka, outside the college about to begin a very different day. Our only means of transport was to hitch-hike as we couldn’t spend on a rickshaw or bus. We were fortunate enough to get our first ride in the first 10 minutes, though a small one, but it seemed like a great start. I could see 30 teams right outside the college looking for some or other means of transport. We felt lucky to have gotten a head start.

But this wasn’t a long ride. We thanked our first saviour and walked ahead. We had to walk about 2 kms this time to the Mumbai-Pune old highway. I felt that was our fast way out to reach kp. And it did. In less than 5 mins, a gentleman in an innova stopped to give us a ride. He was on his way to drop his cousin to the airport. Eureka! Just the route we had to take. We introduced ourselves and thanked the guy for the helpful gesture. We told him about the business and exercise and the concept excited him a lot, it reminded him of his college days! We saw a lot of other teams on the way also hitch hiking. Some in tempos, others in hitch hiked rides like us.It all seemed like a great race. Before we knew, we were in Bund Garden, at a spot just about 500 mts from KP. We got off the car and thanked our new friend. I even exchanged numbers with him, maybe i could be of help to him someday.

So, there we were just a stone’s throw from our destination, time for one last ride to a restaurant i had in mind we could do our exercise at, Prems. So we hitch hiked one last time, this time an old gentleman with his son. They were headed to the osho commune. They were kind enough to drop us to prems, after they heard of our exercise.

We rushed straight into prems, and caught hold of the first person we saw, a senior waiter. We asked him to let us work for the day at the restaurant and help aroud with managing the customers for the day. Since the owner of the restaurant wasn’t present there, the waiter was hesitant to take the decision. He seemed pretty positive that we’d get the job though and asked us to wait for the owner to arrive. This was risky and we wanted to get started with something as soon as possible. So we thought of looking around for some other opportunities and return in half an hour. So i asked priyanka to check at Sweet Chariot, another restaurant right around the corner, while i waited at prems for the owner to arrive.

Priyanka did a great job and managed to get us the day job at Sweet Chariot for Rs 200 each with lunch. That was it. Our primary goals were secured! Though the idea of doing this exercise at Prems appealed to me more. Prems was bigger and it was going to be a challenge managing that place. Sweet Chariot on the other hand was a smaller cafe. But the amount of people to turn up at this place could be amazing at times!

So we decided to take up the job at Sweet Chariot. The deal was till 2 pm. As the owner was not willing to pay us more than Rs 250 even if we worked beyond 2pm. We decided to look for something else after 2 as it didn’t make business sense to us.. So, we began, introducing ourselves to the staff first and understanding the setup of the cafe. 16 4 seater tables, 4 waiters, 2 chefs a cashier and the two of us. We had to take orders, serve the customers, get the bills and clear the tables. Sounded pretty exciting! The working concept of a restaurant has always exicted me. I feel serice today is the most important thing. I belive if a person gets good service, he ll definitely come back to you again for another round of it.

Dressed in our formal attire, we surprised quite a few customers. They were amazed at looking us take their orders and serve them. A few of them even thought, we owned the place and were helping around! We tried to be as warm as possible to the customers, greeting them and making sure their orders were taken in time. One of them was so impressed with us, that he even gave us his business card and said he’d like to hire us. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and accepted his card, promising him that i’d get back to him soon. I must say that the staff was very helpful and co-operative at the cafe.

Time was flying and before we knew it was 1pm. The staff served us lunch with cold coffee! The meal felt like the best i had had in ages. Like they say, nothing tastes better than a hard earned meal!! By 2 pm we wrapped up, “got paid”, thanked the staff once again, took pictures with them and got on our way to find another challenge for the remaining time. Our first job earned us Rs 400 as salary and Rs 130 as tip! I felt it was quite an achievement and we patted each other’s back as we couldn’t have done it without each other’s support and help.

We went another restaurant and asked for a job till 4pm, but they refused, saying they cant offer anything for such a short time frame. We then decided to go to ‘The Great Punjab’, a pretty famous restaurant in Kp, and for that matter the entire of Pune. But they had a policy not to hire anyone besides their staff to work at the restaurant. It was 3 by the time we got out of there and there wasn’t much time left now. I felt we had achieved our target with the morning job at Sweet Chariot, but also felt a little disappointed since we could not do any value addition to these last 2 hrs.

At around quarter to four, i called our team coordinator and came to know of the rendezvous point, Post 91. We reached Post 91 in about 15 mins. Members of the student council with Mr. Manohar Kamath, the brain behind this brilliant exercise, were there to receive us for tea. Around 10 teams were already there. We shared our experiences with each other. Mr. Kamath also interacted with us on an open forum and expressed his thoughts about our experiences.

In about 45 mins, we were asked to head back to the institute, once again without spending a rupee. This time we hitch hiked with two bikers till Shoppers Stop- Shivaji Nagar and then till Khadki in a car. We walked back till the institute discussing the day, how we enjoyed the exercise and learnt to face our challenges head on and not give up, no matter what.

The world is a tough place and we need to face our challenges and be strong headed and confident of our goals. I believe the exercise was a great experience and would definitely help me overcome my challenges up ahead.

Business Exercise at sims

Business Exercise

The day today has been quite a memorable and a learning one. We did today what’s called at SIMS a business exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to teach us to us to face the challenges head on and not get bogged down by them, a trait a modern manager must have.

We were divided in batches of two and were to reach a pre- assigned location, in our case it was Koregaon Park, work there for the day and earn a minimum amount of Rs 150 per head. All this was to be done without spending a single rupee from our pocket. Believe me it was quite a task!

So, there we were me and my team mate Priyanka, outside the college about to begin a very different day. Our only means of transport was to hitch-hike as we couldn’t spend on a rickshaw or bus. We were fortunate enough to get our first ride in the first 10 minutes, though a small one, but it seemed like a great start. I could see 30 teams right outside the college looking for some or other means of transport. We felt lucky to have gotten a head start.

But this wasn’t a long ride. We thanked our first saviour and walked ahead. We had to walk about 2 kms this time to the Mumbai-Pune old highway. I felt that was our fast way out to reach kp. And it did. In less than 5 mins, a gentleman in an innova stopped to give us a ride. He was on his way to drop his cousin to the airport. Eureka! Just the route we had to take. We introduced ourselves and thanked the guy for the helpful gesture. We told him about the business and exercise and the concept excited him a lot, it reminded him of his college days! We saw a lot of other teams on the way also hitch hiking. Some in tempos, others in hitch hiked rides like us.It all seemed like a great race. Before we knew, we were in Bund Garden, at a spot just about 500 mts from KP. We got off the car and thanked our new friend. I even exchanged numbers with him, maybe i could be of help to him someday.

So, there we were just a stone’s throw from our destination, time for one last ride to a restaurant i had in mind we could do our exercise at, Prems. So we hitch hiked one last time, this time an old gentleman with his son. They were headed to the osho commune. They were kind enough to drop us to prems, after they heard of our exercise.

We rushed straight into prems, and caught hold of the first person we saw, a senior waiter. We asked him to let us work for the day at the restaurant and help aroud with managing the customers for the day. Since the owner of the restaurant wasn’t present there, the waiter was hesitant to take the decision. He seemed pretty positive that we’d get the job though and asked us to wait for the owner to arrive. This was risky and we wanted to get started with something as soon as possible. So we thought of looking around for some other opportunities and return in half an hour. So i asked priyanka to check at Sweet Chariot, another restaurant right around the corner, while i waited at prems for the owner to arrive.

Priyanka did a great job and managed to get us the day job at Sweet Chariot for Rs 200 each with lunch. That was it. Our primary goals were secured! Though the idea of doing this exercise at Prems appealed to me more. Prems was bigger and it was going to be a challenge managing that place. Sweet Chariot on the other hand was a smaller cafe. But the amount of people to turn up at this place could be amazing at times!

So we decided to take up the job at Sweet Chariot. The deal was till 2 pm. As the owner was not willing to pay us more than Rs 250 even if we worked beyond 2pm. We decided to look for something else after 2 as it didn’t make business sense to us.. So, we began, introducing ourselves to the staff first and understanding the setup of the cafe. 16 4 seater tables, 4 waiters, 2 chefs a cashier and the two of us. We had to take orders, serve the customers, get the bills and clear the tables. Sounded pretty exciting! The working concept of a restaurant has always exicted me. I feel serice today is the most important thing. I belive if a person gets good service, he ll definitely come back to you again for another round of it.

Dressed in our formal attire, we surprised quite a few customers. They were amazed at looking us take their orders and serve them. A few of them even thought, we owned the place and were helping around! We tried to be as warm as possible to the customers, greeting them and making sure their orders were taken in time. One of them was so impressed with us, that he even gave us his business card and said he’d like to hire us. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and accepted his card, promising him that i’d get back to him soon. I must say that the staff was very helpful and co-operative at the cafe.

Time was flying and before we knew it was 1pm. The staff served us lunch with cold coffee! The meal felt like the best i had had in ages. Like they say, nothing tastes better than a hard earned meal!! By 2 pm we wrapped up, “got paid”, thanked the staff once again, took pictures with them and got on our way to find another challenge for the remaining time. Our first job earned us Rs 400 as salary and Rs 130 as tip! I felt it was quite an achievement and we patted each other’s back as we couldn’t have done it without each other’s support and help.

We went another restaurant and asked for a job till 4pm, but they refused, saying they cant offer anything for such a short time frame. We then decided to go to ‘The Great Punjab’, a pretty famous restaurant in Kp, and for that matter the entire of Pune. But they had a policy not to hire anyone besides their staff to work at the restaurant. It was 3 by the time we got out of there and there wasn’t much time left now. I felt we had achieved our target with the morning job at Sweet Chariot, but also felt a little disappointed since we could not do any value addition to these last 2 hrs.

At around quarter to four, i called our team coordinator and came to know of the rendezvous point, Post 91. We reached Post 91 in about 15 mins. Members of the student council with Mr. Manohar Kamath, the brain behind this brilliant exercise, were there to receive us for tea. Around 10 teams were already there. We shared our experiences with each other. Mr. Kamath also interacted with us on an open forum and expressed his thoughts about our experiences.

In about 45 mins, we were asked to head back to the institute, once again without spending a rupee. This time we hitch hiked with two bikers till Shoppers Stop- Shivaji Nagar and then till Khadki in a car. We walked back till the institute discussing the day, how we enjoyed the exercise and learnt to face our challenges head on and not give up, no matter what.

The world is a tough place and we need to face our challenges and be strong headed and confident of our goals. I believe the exercise was a great experience and would definitely help me overcome my challenges up ahead.